Disclaimer! If you use this, you'll need to build the container yourself. I have a CICD pipeline setup, but my registry is used for my internal infrastructure only and is not publicly available.
Because this is a staticly linked binary with no external runtime dependancies, the container literally only contains the binary file, keeping it clean and low in size (6.3MB). I never did understand why people include operating systems in containers.
You can pretty much implement this in your front end however you want, you just need to make a GET request to whatever endpoint the counter container is running at. This is how I use it though...
var counterReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
counterReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
console.log("counterReq ready state is " + this.readyState);
if (this.readyState == 4) {
console.log("counterReq status is " + this.status);