
224 lines
5.4 KiB

package main
import (
var (
colorPalette string
var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
func init() {
//flag.Float64Var(&xpos, "xpos", -0.00275, "Point position on the real axis (defined on `x` axis)")
//flag.Float64Var(&ypos, "ypos", 0.78912, "Point position on the imaginary axis (defined on `y` axis)")
flag.StringVar(&colorPalette, "palette", "Plan9", "Hippi | Plan9 | AfternoonBlue | SummerBeach | Biochimist | Fiesta")
func main() {
//var escapeRadius float64 = 0.125689
//var escapeRadius float64 = 0
var escapeRadius float64 = 4
var colorStep float64 = 12000
//var xpos float64 = -0.01925
//var ypos float64 = 0.796272
var xpos float64 = -1.0
var ypos float64 = -1.0
maxIteration := 2000
imageSmoothness := 1
width := 640
height := 480
if colorStep < float64(maxIteration) {
colorStep = float64(maxIteration)
colors := interpolateColors(&colorPalette, colorStep)
if len(colors) > 0 {
fmt.Println("Rendering images...")
for i := 1; i <= 2000; i++ {
render(maxIteration, colors, escapeRadius, xpos, ypos, imageSmoothness, width, height, fmt.Sprintf("images/%08d.png", i))
//ypos += 0.00020
//xpos -= 0.00010
// if i%3 == 0 {
// }
if i > 100 {
escapeRadius *= 0.995
if xpos > -1.4 {
if i > 100 {
// xpos *= 1.005
func interpolateColors(paletteCode *string, numberOfColors float64) []color.RGBA {
var factor float64
steps := []float64{}
cols := []uint32{}
interpolated := []uint32{}
interpolatedColors := []color.RGBA{}
for _, v := range palette.ColorPalettes {
factor = 1.0 / numberOfColors
switch v.Keyword {
case *paletteCode:
if paletteCode != nil {
for index, col := range v.Colors {
if col.Step == 0.0 && index != 0 {
stepRatio := float64(index+1) / float64(len(v.Colors))
step := float64(int(stepRatio*100)) / 100 // truncate to 2 decimal precision
steps = append(steps, step)
} else {
steps = append(steps, col.Step)
r, g, b, a := col.Color.RGBA()
r /= 0xff
g /= 0xff
b /= 0xff
a /= 0xff
uintColor := uint32(r)<<24 | uint32(g)<<16 | uint32(b)<<8 | uint32(a)
cols = append(cols, uintColor)
var min, max, minColor, maxColor float64
if len(v.Colors) == len(steps) && len(v.Colors) == len(cols) {
for i := 0.0; i <= 1; i += factor {
for j := 0; j < len(v.Colors)-1; j++ {
if i >= steps[j] && i < steps[j+1] {
min = steps[j]
max = steps[j+1]
minColor = float64(cols[j])
maxColor = float64(cols[j+1])
uintColor := cosineInterpolation(maxColor, minColor, (i-min)/(max-min))
interpolated = append(interpolated, uint32(uintColor))
for _, pixelValue := range interpolated {
r := pixelValue >> 24 & 0xff
g := pixelValue >> 16 & 0xff
b := pixelValue >> 8 & 0xff
a := 0xff
interpolatedColors = append(interpolatedColors, color.RGBA{uint8(r), uint8(g), uint8(b), uint8(a)})
return interpolatedColors
func render(maxIteration int, colors []color.RGBA, escapeRadius, xpos, ypos float64, imageSmoothness, width, height int, outputFile string) {
fmt.Printf("Mandelbrot set escapeRadius=%f image=%s\n", escapeRadius, outputFile)
width = width * imageSmoothness
height = height * imageSmoothness
ratio := float64(height) / float64(width)
xmin, xmax := xpos-escapeRadius/2.0, math.Abs(xpos+escapeRadius/2.0)
ymin, ymax := ypos-escapeRadius*ratio/2.0, math.Abs(ypos+escapeRadius*ratio/2.0)
image := image.NewRGBA(image.Rectangle{image.Point{0, 0}, image.Point{width, height}})
for iy := 0; iy < height; iy++ {
go func(iy int) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
for ix := 0; ix < width; ix++ {
var x = xmin + (xmax-xmin)*float64(ix)/float64(width-1)
var y = ymin + (ymax-ymin)*float64(iy)/float64(height-1)
norm, it := mandelIteration(x, y, maxIteration)
iteration := float64(maxIteration-it) + math.Log(norm)
if int(math.Abs(iteration)) < len(colors)-1 {
color1 := colors[int(math.Abs(iteration))]
color2 := colors[int(math.Abs(iteration))+1]
color := linearInterpolation(rgbaToUint(color1), rgbaToUint(color2), uint32(iteration))
image.Set(ix, iy, uint32ToRgba(color))
output, _ := os.Create(outputFile)
png.Encode(output, image)
func cosineInterpolation(c1, c2, mu float64) float64 {
mu2 := (1 - math.Cos(mu*math.Pi)) / 2.0
return c1*(1-mu2) + c2*mu2
func linearInterpolation(c1, c2, mu uint32) uint32 {
return c1*(1-mu) + c2*mu
func mandelIteration(cx, cy float64, maxIter int) (float64, int) {
var x, y, xx, yy float64 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
for i := 0; i < maxIter; i++ {
xy := x * y
xx = x * x
yy = y * y
if xx+yy > 4 {
return xx + yy, i
x = xx - yy + cx
y = 2*xy + cy
logZn := (x*x + y*y) / 2
return logZn, maxIter
func rgbaToUint(color color.RGBA) uint32 {
r, g, b, a := color.RGBA()
r /= 0xff
g /= 0xff
b /= 0xff
a /= 0xff
return uint32(r)<<24 | uint32(g)<<16 | uint32(b)<<8 | uint32(a)
func uint32ToRgba(col uint32) color.RGBA {
r := col >> 24 & 0xff
g := col >> 16 & 0xff
b := col >> 8 & 0xff
a := 0xff
return color.RGBA{uint8(r), uint8(g), uint8(b), uint8(a)}