03 | Join Additional Controller and Worker Nodes
At this point, other nodes can be joined to the cluster. From a control node, you can get the join command by doing the following.
sudo kubeadm token create --print-join-command
You can then take the command in the output and use it to join other nodes.
# Example to join a control node, add --control-plane
sudo kubeadm join --token drazx3.qa70i6wfatxujdqo --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:5dccc0b4113ffc2543e2d453c35bf4db998719c1c73b60e4467f5c20d3f7b9ad --control-plane
# Example to join a worker node
sudo kubeadm join --token drazx3.qa70i6wfatxujdqo --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:5dccc0b4113ffc2543e2d453c35bf4db998719c1c73b60e4467f5c20d3f7b9ad