package main import ( "encoding/binary" "fmt" "log" "time" "" "" "" ) // type client is used to keept track of a client attempting to perform an authentic knock sequence type Client struct { Progress int // index of current progress in sequence. Value of 1 means first port has been matched Sequence [4]uint16 // stores the knock sequence the current client is attempting. It's set and tracked here to prevent race conditions during a knock sequence being received and key rotations } var ( clients map[string]*Client // Contains a map of clients portSequences [][4]uint16 sharedSecret string // base32 encoded shared secret used for totp ) func packetServer(captureDevice string) { clients = make(map[string]*Client, 0) // key is flow, value is the current progress through the sequence. i.e. value of 1 means that the first port in the sequence was successful portSequences = [][4]uint16{} // Slice of accepted port sequences, there have to be several to account for clock skew between client and server handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(captureDevice, 1600, true, pcap.BlockForever) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to open adapter") } packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType()) go rotateSequence(handle) for packet := range packetSource.Packets() { handlePacket(packet) // Do something with a packet here. } } // packets that match the BPF filter get passed to handlePacket func handlePacket(packet gopacket.Packet) { port := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(packet.TransportLayer().TransportFlow().Dst().Raw()) srcip := packet.NetworkLayer().NetworkFlow().Src().String() client, ok := clients[srcip] if !ok { // create the client, identify which authentic knock sequence is matched for _, sequence := range portSequences { if port == sequence[0] { clients[srcip] = &Client{Progress: 1, Sequence: sequence} } } return } // if it's wrong, reset progress // TBD: vulnerable to sweep attack - this won't be triggered if a wrong packet doesn't match BPF filter if port != client.Sequence[client.Progress] { delete(clients, srcip) fmt.Printf("port '%d' is in sequence, but came at unexpected order - resetting progress", port) return } // Client increases progress through sequence and checks if sequence is completed client.Progress++ if client.Progress >= len(client.Sequence) { delete(clients, srcip) handleSuccess(srcip) return } } // Used to rotate the authentic port knock sequence func rotateSequence(handle *pcap.Handle) { for { if len(portSequences) < 3 { t := time.Now().Add(time.Second * -30) for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { portSequence, err := otphyp.GeneratePorts(sharedSecret, t.Add((time.Second * 30 * time.Duration(i)))) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to generate port knock sequence: %v", err) } portSequences = append(portSequences, portSequence) } } fmt.Println("New sequences:", portSequences) err := setPacketFilter(handle) if err != nil { log.Printf("failed to change packet filter: %v", err) } // Sleep until next 30 second offset time.Sleep(time.Until(time.Now().Truncate(time.Second * 30).Add(time.Second * 30))) // TBD: pop first value and only generate latest (time.Now().Add(time.Second*30)) value instead of re-initializing completely portSequences = [][4]uint16{} } } // Given a pcap handle and list of authentic port knock sequences, configures a BPF filter func setPacketFilter(handle *pcap.Handle) error { filter := "udp && (" for i, portSequence := range portSequences { for j, port := range portSequence { if i == 0 && j == 0 { filter += fmt.Sprint("port ", port) } else { filter += fmt.Sprint(" || port ", port) } } } filter += ")" err := handle.SetBPFFilter(filter) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to set BPF filter '%s': %v", filter, err) } return nil }