randomMax=999999999999999999// int64 max value is 9223372036854775807. We use one digit less than that with all 9's in order to not give bias to any digits.
// In results, we store a count of each left most leading digits as numbers are randomly genereated
results:=[9]int{}// There are 9 possible leading digits and 0 does not count, offset by 1 for index to actual value. Examples: To access count for 1 use [0]. To access 5 use [4]. To access 9 use [8].
currentSample:=0// A counter that increments each time a random number sample has been generated. Used for status messages
results[firstDigit(rand.Intn(randomMax-randomMin+1)+randomMin)-1]++// Generate a random number between randomMin and randomMax, get the first digit then increment the counter in results array, remember, it's offset by 1